Friday, November 29, 2019

Should Children Wear Uniforms to School free essay sample

Should children be allowed to wear uniforms to school? The debate on wearing uniforms to school has been going on for decades. Some schools in America give in to the students, but not in Singapore. Recently, there was a ‘Design Your Uniform’ competition, but I find it ineffective, as not many schools would want to change their school dress code. Firstly, we all have a right to individuality, to make personal choices and to express our personality. This right of free expression includes the way we choose to dress. Making everyone wear the same school uniform infringes on our rights and is a misuse of authority. The right to choose what to wear is particularly important for young people, who often have few other ways of expressing their personality or making choices about their lives. Furthermore, those who are dissatisfied with it may ‘customize’ the dress code themselves. Because children don’t like wearing uniforms, they fight against it in many clever ways, like shortening skirts, wearing non-regulation shoes and hosiery, tying their ties in funny ways. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Children Wear Uniforms to School or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Of course, schools in Singapore disallow this, and therefore may punish the students, which in the end results in a poor teacher-student relationship. This may lead to the disgrace of school uniform and obviously, the school. To me, I feel that the school uniform is often not practical or pleasant to wear. Designs are often old-fashioned and ugly. Clothes that are designed to be worn by all shapes and sizes of student fit no one really well. For cheapness, uniform items are often made of poly-cottons which are hot in warm weather, making the study condition in school even worse for children, as Singapore is already a very hot and humid country itself. The worst would be an assembly days, where the children have to wear ties to school. You may say that having a uniform helps students and parents resist peer pressure. In schools with no uniform, children may feel the need to dress in certain ways in order to fit in. This can often mean buying a lot of expensive and fashionable clothes that families cannot really afford. It can also mean girls being pressured into wearing skimpy clothes to try and look sexy at a very young age. It could even include Muslim girls feeling that they must wear a headscarf even though they don’t want to. But rather than introduce school uniform, why not have a dress code instead? This has all the benefits of uniform without the many disadvantages. While uniforms force all children to wear the same clothes, dress codes give students a lot of choice on what to wear. Only a few unsuitable things are banned for example, very short skirts, crop tops, bare shoulders, etcetera. Hence, I agree to schools not wearing school uniforms. It may benefit both the educators and teachers if this is allowed.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Facts About the Crystal Jelly

Facts About the Crystal Jelly The crystal jelly (Aequorea victoria) has been called the most influential bioluminescent marine organism. This cnidarian possesses green fluorescent protein (GFP) and a photoprotein (or a protein that gives off light) called aequorin, both of which are used in laboratory, clinical and molecular research. Proteins from this sea jelly are also being studied for use in early detection of cancer. Description The aptly named crystal jelly is clear but may glow greenish-blue. Its bell may grow up to 10 inches in diameter. Classification Kingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: CnidariaClass: HydrozoaOrder: LeptothecataFamily: AequoreidaeGenus: AequoreaSpecies: victoria Habitat and Distribution The crystal jelly lives in pelagic waters in the Pacific Ocean from Vancouver, British Columbia, to central California. Feeding The crystal jelly eats copepods, and other planktonic creatures, comb jellies, and other jellyfish.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Coaching, a customized learning approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Coaching, a customized learning approach - Essay Example This can however change if those offering lessons, whether in an academic set-up or a workplace setup, can view themselves as coaches as opposed to just being teachers or trainers. According to Tankersley (2007), educators and trainers should act like sport coaches, whereby, instead of giving their students pens and papers to identify what they can and cannot do, they should place students in a practical environment from where they would be able to judge the skill level of each student. From the results, the teacher would then be able to guide the students in improving their weak areas. Coaching is a term mainly associated with sports, whereby it is defines as the instructional way of issuing new skills, refining old skills and building collegial relationships (Rush and Shelden, 2005). There is no clear definition of what coaching in learning or working environment is. However, different authors have offered different meaning of the term. According to Rush& Shelden (2005), coaching is a help-giving practice, which can be used within a capacity-building model to develop new skills and attain preferred life circumstances. Wilkins (2000) on the other hand defines coaching as a transformative purposeful process that focuses on equipping learners with knowledge, change, achievements and development. Flaherty (2005) reckons that coaching goes beyond having an accountability partner who supports and guides one's actions towards defines goals. Despite the different definitions, it is apparent that coaching discourages the one "size fits all" analogy and instead supports a learning environment where each learning professional is offered guidance according to his/her skill levels, deficiencies and strong areas. Coaching has three main objectives (Moran 2007). The first intends to establish a culture that recognizes teamwork as a workplace asset. This is especially so because learning is often done in a social setting and therefore requires social engagement and regeneration. The second objective seeks to develop group and individual capacity in engaging in self-reflection and creative ways of solving problems. As a result, the learners would learn to respond to challenges rather than react to the same. The third objective seeks to provide a continuum where individuals can acquire and share specific knowledge, proficiencies and strategies. The development and Evolution of Coaching The 1990s marked a time when coaching exploded into the business world. In the previous decade, the idea to create a process that would increase an individual's ability to assume effective leadership as opposed to the one-time training offered in most workplaces became an important way of learning on the job (Goldsmith & Lyons, 2005). The idea however gained popularity in the 1990's. However, coaching has always been a part of human history. The art of helping people discover their potential can be traced back to theorists such as Alfred Adler and Carl Jung (Williams, 2005). Adler encouraged people under his guardianship to set goals, plan and invent a future that they desired. Jung on the other hand, believed that people could create their futures by envisioning the same and leading a purposeful life. In 1951, Carl Rogers published the book "Client Centered Therapy", which not

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Health Services Finance Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Health Services Finance - Assignment Example Moreover, the wages for the casual workers in the expansion process will also be categorized as direct cost. This example is justifiable since the cost expensed in paying salaries and wages in the expansion process will entirely benefit the expansion project. Indirect costs are services or activities that benefits more than one object (Wei-Yu, Dilip, and James 41). It is almost unfeasible to relate the indirect cost to a particular object. A good example of an indirect cost in Chiropractor organization includes the salaries of permanently employed managers who oversee operations in more than one organization’s branch. It is sometimes difficult to relate how these organizational managers directly benefit a particular branch. The responsibility center in Chiropractor organization is incredibly indispensable and valuable. The organization has decentralized its operations to create efficient responsibility centers. Chiropractor has three main responsibility centers that include: investment, profit, and cost (Merkley 41). Cost responsibility center manager has the responsibility of relating the expenses incurred in an organization to the available revenues. Profit responsibility center is mandated with the responsibility of generating revenue from cash outlays. A profit responsibility center is expected to meet the set profitable goals in the organization. Finally, investment responsibility center’s main role is to manage other responsibility centers. Additionally, the investment center has an obligation of managing the organization’s assets. The other supplementary responsibility of the investment center entails regulating returns on invested resources. The Chiropractor community has over the year’s experienced endless environmental catastrophes such as earthquakes and other artificial and natural accidents that interfere with their daily operations. This has as a result led to significant loss of lives and property (Chrysanthus 137). However, to counter

Monday, November 18, 2019

Applied Integrated Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Applied Integrated Business - Essay Example This paper is an attempt to synthesize everything I had learned so far which can be applicable in a world of business that is further made complicated and difficult by various financial crises. In the next few pages, I will elaborate on these further by enumerating the three most important. Discussion I think Professor Michael Porter's Five-Forces Model of competition is the first thing that comes to my mind in terms of importance. His model is applicable to almost all industries anywhere in the world. It has universal applications and any aspiring manager should learn to apply the principles in this model. Doing so will make his job as manager much, much easier. It will allow him to analyze a given industry, formulate the appropriate strategies and then be able to implement this particular chosen strategy to achieve superior results, no matter what. It is a given that the Porter model is extremely useful for industry analysis in order to attain that sustainable superior performance over peer industry competitors. The model further simplifies the whole job of any manager; without it, it is quite difficult to arrive at a good decision due to sometimes too much data to analyze that one can easily get lost of the strategic objective. The second most important thing I learned during the course is the 7 Ps of marketing. ... This model will help to put things in a proper perspective so corrective measures can be undertaken to rescue new products and services from being failures in the market. This model is a step-by-step guide to successful marketing techniques because it analyzes each step to be taken when selling and it helps to remove guesswork by making the analysis much more professional and accurate. The third most important I learned so far in this course is the SWOT analysis model. It may seem simple but it at least has a systematic approach when analyzing the inherent kind of strengths and weaknesses of any business organization. The first two letters are S and W; it pertains to the internal structure of the business firm by looking inward at its core competence or the areas of operations in which it has advantages while at the same recognize weaknesses. This will allow the firm to take corrective measures to remedy these weaknesses. The second two letters which are O and T represent opportuniti es and threats from the environment which are considered as external to the firm. The usefulness of this SWOT model is it is applicable to individual persons as well, such as taking pre-emptive or preventive measures to avoid any possible harm or dangers. The SWOT model for analysis is also useful in other situations like disaster preparedness by government units and other non-profit organizations because it will try to recognize possible dangers and allow for sufficient advance planning to avoid failures. The SWOT model has internal and external components, very much like Porter's Five-forces model, which has three external components and two internal features in the said model. I fully intend to use all my accumulated knowledge from the course in my daily

Saturday, November 16, 2019

A Minimum Of Two A Short Story

A Minimum Of Two A Short Story Minimum of two is a collection of short stories written by Australian writer Tim Winton. He writes his stories in different views such as first and third person, mainly for the reader to feel the story more in depth. The book features 14 short stories which are; Forest Winter, No Memory Comes, Gravity, The Water was Dark and it went forever down, Nislams Friend, Minimum of two, Distant Lands, Laps, Bay of Angels, The strong one. Holding, More, Death belongs to the dead his father told him and sadness to the sad and finally Blood and water. Throughout all of these stories there is relevant trauma for past events, coming to an outcome of growth in either a positive or negative way. The short story that in my opinion is the most powerful in regards to trauma and growth is the story Minimum of two. Its written in first person view of the husband (Neil). This is a deep story about a married woman called Greta getting raped by a senior in her department by the name of Fred Blakey. He is taken to court by Greta and Neil and is sentenced to 5 years imprisonment but for Neil this is not enough because he went through ample suffering through the recovery of Greta in the way that she did not want to be intimate with him because she was sensitive as expected after being raped. With this issue, Neil decides to take matters in his own hands and contemplates killing Blakey when he gets released, he tells his friend Tony Mitchell that he will be doing this. Mitchell doesnt agree with what Neil wants to do, but Neil doesnt listen to him and ends up killing Blakey when he got out. His conscience then catches up with him and he then feels like the most horrible person, saying that he feels that he was a dead man. The main trauma in this story is the rape of Greta by Fred Blakey, this is mainly trauma from Greta as she becomes sensitive and doesnt get intimate with Neil, this is also a traumatic for him, and this is shown in the way he writes about his feelings. It seems like her intimacy with him is a great thing for him making this story traumatic for both Neil and Greta. In the ending Neil kills Blakey and comes to a negative growth of feeling sorry for himself, as well as losing his best friend Tony Mitchell. The next story that showed trauma and growth is the story called Distant Lands. Its written in the third person view. This short story is about an overweight woman working at her fathers newsagency. This woman is called Fat Maz she was teased and tormented through high school and also was not supported very well by her parents, they also treated her as if they didnt know her or that she wasnt their daughter. There was a day though that changed her life, a stranger Pakistani man comes into the newsagency, and opens the book Distant Lands has a glance and leaves. As she goes to inspect the book she realises the blurb saying You will want this book never to finishafter she reads the blurb she is interested in reading the book, as she is reading it the Pakistani man comes into the newsagency once again and this time re-opening Distant Lands and smiling at Fat Maz, he gives her money and some confidence to leave her garbage job helping at her fathers newsagency The trauma in this story is mainly from Fat Mazs life, how she had been teased all in high school and even at home with her parents she wasnt treated nicely. The growth coming from this is positive when a mysterious Pakistani man comes in and gives her money and confidence to leave her job at the newsagency. Another story that had trauma with growth coming as an outcome is the story Laps. This story written in the third person view is about a young woman by the name of Queenie that has flashbacks of her childhood, and her grandfather when he was alive as she swims laps through a pool. She is new to Perth, and she is somehow reminded of her grandfather and the whaling projects from her childhood and she is haunted by these thoughts. She then gathers enough courage to go back to her home town to tackle her past, and then be able to move on with her life. The trauma from this story is the flashbacks that Queenie get from her troubled childhood; she sees these horrible flashbacks when swimming as swimming reminded her of an earlier time of her life. The growth gathered from this story is that Queenie had the courage to go back to her home town and sort out her problems so that she is now able to live a new life in Perth with no haunting flashbacks. Tim Winton is a talented writer with allot of creativity shown in this collection of Minimum of two. He has the ability to write about hard trauma, but also an outcome of growth. The three stories chosen for this essay (Minimum of two, Distant Lands and Laps) are all examples of how he can bring growth out of trauma. In conclusion this collection of short stories by Tim Winton is really moving to the reader, as he brings not only trauma but growth out of each story.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Substance Misuse Among Women with Eating Disorders Essay -- Drugs Alco

Substance Misuse Among Women with Eating Disorders Research on eating disorders has revealed a greater incidence of substance use and/or misuse in women with eating disorders than in the general population. Most of the research agrees that substance misuse is more common in patients with bulimia nervosa and the binge eating/purging subtype of patients with anorexia than in women with the restricting subtype of anorexia nervosa. Researchers and specialists have proposed a range of theories to account for the strong association between substance misuse and bulimia nervosa. Experiments have not provided evidence to conclusively support any one theory. However, studies conducted in the past decade have enabled researchers to refine their hypotheses and accumulate more accurate information about eating disorders and substance use. Researchers have examined personality characteristics, family history, and biological and environmental factors common to persons with both substance use problems and eating disorders. In addition, the onset of eating disorders in relation to the beginning of substance abuse are examined to determine if one disorder drives the other. Differences in characteristics of patients with anorexia nervosa and patients with bulimia nervosa are examined to determine differences in rates of comorbidity with substance abuse. While continued research is necessary to assess the validity of proposed theories, the current knowledge proposes some interesting ideas about the relationship between substance abuse and eating disorders. In the literature on eating disorders and substance abuse there is general agreement on two factors: patients with eating disorders display higher rates of substance abuse problems an... ...ability to Substance Abuse in Eating Disorders. NIDA.159, 269-311. Krahn, D., Piper, D., King, M., Olson, L., Kurth, C., Moberg, D.P. (1996). Dieting in Sixth Grade Predicts Alcohol Use in Ninth Grade. Journal of Substance Abuse. 8, 293-301. Sinha, R., Robinson, J., Merikangas, K., Wilson, G.T., Rodin, J.,& O'Malley, S. (1996). Eating Pathology among Women with Alcoholism and/or Anxiety Disorders. Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research. 20, 1184-91. Striegel-Moore, R., and Huydic, E. (1993). Problem Drinking and Symptoms of Disordered Eating in Female High School Students. International Journal of Eating Disorders. 14, 417-25. Welch, S. and Fairburn, C. (1996). Impulsivity or Comorbidity in Bulimia Nervosa. A Controlled Study of Deliberate Self Harm and Alcohol and Drug Misuse in a Community Sample. British Journal of Psychiatry. 169, 451-8.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Monsoon Wedding

Monsoon Wedding, directed by Mira Nair, is a story of a closely – knit, well – off Indian family reunited for the arranged marriage of Lalit (Naseeruddin Shah) and Pimmi (Lillete Dubey) Verma's daughter, Aditi (Vasundhara Das) is set in the modern day New Delhi.   Aditi will marry Hemant Rai (Parvin Dabas), a Houston – based software engineer, someone she barely knows. The plot, which initially appears to be simple, will take a sharp turn as the audience witness, Aditi's affair with her ex – flame, Vikram Mehta (Sameer Arya).   As the wedding approaches, we see the arrival of Aditi’s relatives and friends, from her cousins to her in – laws to the wedding planner.   From then on, a wide array of multifaceted and damaging relationships, begin to unfold (Mundhra NP). The most remarkable thing about the film is its production values.   It is brightly shaded with primary colors and other eye – catching hues that give each and every scene a life of its own.   The lively colors of the wedding household give a powerful contrast to the city outside of its portals.   The clever direction by Nair was matched by the witty cinematography of Declan Quinn.   Furthermore, the tandem was complemented by the lavish production design by Stephanie Carroll.   The combined forces composed a look that will surely satisfy the curiosity of the international audiences seeking to take a peak of Indian culture, while doing justice to that culture (Ibid, par. 1). The musical score of the film synchronizes with all the other elements at just the right tune.   After all, an Indian wedding will not be complete without music. In the film, it takes the spotlight as composer Mychael Danna effortlessly depicts the cheerfulness of the occasion while balancing it off with the gloomy moments through his clever musical score (Ibid, par. 2). The film deserves a round of applause for not reducing itself to be a moralistic portrayal of the Indian marriage culture to the delight of its international audiences.   Through this, the audiences are able to see things as they are without the outer trappings that rob it of its authenticity.   There is no stopping Nair of educating his viewer as they are taken into a glimpse of the Eastern life.   As a result, the audience becomes the honored guests to the wedding as the rest of the cast add to the simple ambiance as the story is told (Ibid, par. 3). There are scenes in the film that is consumed by sentimentalism which all too familiar with movies of the same kind.   Nevertheless, it did not spoil the rest of the otherwise jovial moments in the film.   It just leads to the realization that after all, a wedding is a sentimental occasion indeed.   It is a luscious take on the relationships that gives definition to a family which sets them apart from all the rest.   It is a theme that surpasses all boundaries demarcated by culture, while remains the same thing that defines them (Ibid, par. 4). As most of the characters in the film are Hindu, Monsoon Wedding is clearly not a Christian flick.   This is true even though the characters have undergone moderate secularization.   Secular Indians though remain true to their vow to monogamy.   They spend the rest of their lives as one family and stick it out together against all odds.   This serves as their distinction from their Western counterparts.   In point of fact, Bollywood films have gained recognition for the optimistic take on the subject of marriage and morality (Noll NP). The audience needs to watch out for the notices on the use of bad language in films.   Most films rated â€Å"R† by the regulatory board contain sex, violence and foul language.   There are no rules governing how much sex, violence and vulgarity prohibits Christian viewers to see a certain film.   There are Christian who totally abstain from watching films of this kind.   Nevertheless, Christian viewers should pass up every opportunity of watching pornographic or â€Å"X† rated films or even those with â€Å"R† on their ratings (Ibid, par. 6). Then again, we can not confine viewers as they all exercise the liberty to decide which films tickle their fancies.   In reality, there are Christians who prefer to watch â€Å"R† rated films.   This is the kind which includes sex, violence and vulgarity but do not venerate whatsoever any untoward behavior (Ibid, par. 7). In the real world, the use of vulgar words is close to impossible.   For some people, it is just as inevitable like for example P.K. Duyebi of Monsoon Wedding.   The audiences do not find it hard to relate to his character as he portrays a very human trait.   Throughout the course of our lives, we are all in search for something better.   In his case, he found the love in Alice, a Christian.   However, truth be told Alice alone will not be able to clear Dubeyi mouth off his vulgar choice of words (Ibid, par. 8). Love has been the most clichà ©d themes ever captured on film.   Nonetheless, Nair’s ability to capture on film the different faces of love remains to be unparalled even after many attempts have been made to follow her lead.   In most cases, love as a cinematic theme has been depicted as it dangerously strides on the verge of melodrama to sentimentalism.   However, the love story has always been told about a man and a woman (Mundhra NP). Love comes in all sizes and shapes.   It is so universal that it seems to speak just one language.   Regardless of race, color and culture, love remains to be our common ground.   Love is a powerful force so powerful that it can sometimes get the better of us.   As life is not always a bed of roses, so is it with love.   We all struggle along the bitter pangs that come with the whole package at all possible expenses.   But love remains the driving force that steers us through the everyday grind. Without it, we seems to be at a lost, alone in an island where no one will seem to come to our rescue.   Nevertheless, the imperfections of life are certainly what make it more worth living.   It test our patience and our faith that against all odds we could still come out unscathed and even more stronger to live another day. On the other hand, Naiz exploits all of these classics and injects so much more of her own.   She has cleverly done so by breathing life a tapestry knitted with brightly – colored fancy and cruel certainty, satire and authenticity, the bliss of love as well as its nasty incarnations (Mundhra NP). The film outlines five interconnected stories each of which traverse the many faces of love.   Each story transcends culture, territories and ethics.   It celebrates the modern Indian life never before captured on screen (Mirabai Film NP). Nair and Dhawan, created a link between the old and the new, the conservative and the bold, the naà ¯ve and the sexual in the modern day India.   The camera style employed in the film becomes the viewer’s eyes as they see through the lenses the kind of lives the characters portray.   The audiences are ushered in to the Punjabi culture, Nair’s very own.   Such culture is characterized as hearty, earthy and effervescent.   All these set against a backdrop of lively Bollywood music accompaniment as endless serving of kebabs and whisky depicts the festive mood that makes it undeniably a Punjabi wedding (Ibid, par. 13). The camera style was utilized in the film.   It is the style usually employed in filming documentaries.   The hand – held camera, switching back and forth takes the audience attention from one character to another.   It moves around a crowded room while it runs after the characters whose all over the place at one time or another.   A film shot entirely in this style can be exhausting for the audience even though many traditional set – pieces were injected to the scene when the sense of movement and action requires an undisturbed mode. Moreover, this style primarily relies on the sense of movement – the wedding hues, the choppy, the witty exchange of words, the trips around the city, makes the audience behave like a wave after another.   There are stoplights along the road though just when you think the finish line is near, another race begins.   The camera style, at a certain extent can be exasperating and jarring to bear the entire length of the film (The Everything Development Company NP) Work Cited Monsoon Wedding. Dir. Mira Nair. IFC Productions, 2001. â€Å"Monsoon Wedding.† 2008., Inc. Retrieved February 8, 2008, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ â€Å"Monsoon Wedding, a new film by Mira Nair.† 2008. Mirabai Film. Retrieved February 8,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2008 â€Å"Monsoon Wedding.† 2008. The Everything Development Company. Retrieved February 14,   Ã‚  Ã‚   2008 from Mundhra, Smriti. â€Å"Review of Monsoon Wedding.† 2008. IGN Entertainment, Inc. Retrieved   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   February 14, 2008 from Murphy, Gareth. â€Å"Monsoon Wedding.† 2007. Retrieved February 14, 2008 Noll, Stephen. â€Å"MONSOON WEDDING (2001). Notes for Mars Hill Video Club.† 24    September 2007. Stephen's Witness. Retrieved February 14, 2008. ;

Friday, November 8, 2019

Differences Between Veterans and Social Security Benefits

Differences Between Veterans and Social Security Benefits Social Security and Veterans Benefits: Understanding the Differences While both the Social Security Administration (SSA) and the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) provide assistance to American citizens in need, the two agencies differ greatly in scope, intent and procedure. Understanding the differences between the SSA and VBA can save claimants time- and prevent potential headaches. An article on these differences appears here.Understanding Social Security DisabilityThe Social Security Administration (SSA) provides benefits for Americans who have worked, paid into the system and have encountered a disability that now leaves them unable to work. Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits carry over until the recipient reaches retirement age.SSD is a simple, all-or-nothing benefit. Under the administration’s rules, the claimant is either disabled or they are not. Adjudicators simply need to determine if the claimant is able to work. These cases typically take two to three years to resolve. SSA will terminate disability benefits once a recip ient reaches retirement age.Understanding Veterans Disability BenefitsUnder the Veterans Administration (VA), Veterans Disability Benefits provide compensation to veterans for their service-connected disabilities. VA Disability- in a marked difference from SSD- has no age limit. A successful claim can provide benefits for life.In contrast to SSD, the VA assesses each illness or injury as a separate claim- assigning each its own rating. At the VA, each ailment is considered a distinct claim and each claim is rated separately. A veteran must submit evidence for each claim- which the VA will evaluate under separate criteria. A Veterans Disability case could potentially take five, ten, perhaps as long as 20 years to resolve.We Can HelpIf you are disabled and unable to work, call Disability Attorneys of Michigan for a free confidential consultation. We’ll let you know if we can help you get a monthly check and help you determine if any money or assets you receive could impact your eligibility for disability benefits.Disability Attorneys of Michigan works hard every day helping the disabled of Michigan seek the Social Security Disability and Veterans Disability benefits they need. If you are unable to work due to a physical, mental or cognitive impairment, call Disability Attorneys of Michigan now for a free consultation at 800-949- 2900.Let Michigan’s experienced disability law firm help you get the benefits you deserve.Disability Attorneys of Michigan, Compassionate Excellence. Michigan Social Security Disability Lawyer, Michigan Veteran Disability Attorney

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Business Plan

Can’t find a greeting card that suits you? Tired of writing out practically hundreds of Christmas cards each year? No one show up for that garage sale on Saturday? Uh-Oh. Sounds like you need our help. Personalize It! strives on providing simplicity and easing the burdens of the lives of our consumer by creating a flawless card, invitation, or flyer at the drop of a hat. We want your invitations to be for a party that everyone wants to go, the â€Å"Happy Birthday† card that creates a tear, and the signs that nobody could possibly miss. Our plans for this small business is to individually design and create personalized greeting cards, invitations, and flyers. We will make a wide variety of cards such as graduation notices, wedding invites, and party invitations, but our specialty will be holiday greeting cards. We can also produce simple, yet eye-catching, flyers for your next garage sale or for your band’s next concert. Our open door policy means that people can come to us with their ideas and leave with a product that will not only be personal, affordable, and dependable, it will be memorable. Personalize It! is an equal opportunity business making its expertise available to help its customers create their own products. Keeping in tune with the needs of the consumer, utilizing the latest technology and trends, all while ensuring that the client receives the individual attention they deserve is the vision and daily mission of Personalize It! Our goals include consistent, accurate achievement of the client’s wishes, competitive pricing for the quality of services provided, and significant profit made on each product produced. Founded in 2003 on a part-time basis, Personalize It! is a small business designed to meet the needs of the ever-changing social world. New York City is the current home with plans to expand to branch offices within four years. Personalize It! is invested in the community it reside... Free Essays on Business Plan Free Essays on Business Plan Executive Summary The Dark Side, is an after hours coffeeshop located on East Evans Avenue and South High Street. Hours of operation being 4 pm to 2 am, the intention is to attract people ages 15 to 30 years, mostly being students especially from the University of Denver. By offering three distinctive atmospheres within the coffee shop our goal is to satisfy the diverse needs among this age group. We will do this by implementing a study room, a lounge and a main room. On weekends we plan to host live bands on our stage in the main room. In order to attract international students, we are selling international newspapers and hosting international conversation groups. The coffee industry is growing, and we feel that our coffee shop will fit a set of needs that have not yet been met. After surveying a group of people from our draw area, we determined that our business will meet the needs and wants of our target market. The direct competition is mainly Starbucks, Stella's and Colorado Espresso. By utilizin g our unique qualities we will be set apart from our competition. By using the zip code breakdowns, we have determined that our target market consists of 76,047 people that live in 6 specific zip codes. (EST) From this number we determined that we would have 5,497 hot prospects. (EST). These people would visit The Dark Side a total of 134,678 times in one year. (EST) From this estimate our anticipated annual sales is $538,712. Our objective is to meet the needs of our target market, to maintain repeat customers, and to break even after one year. Our goals are to have 70 percent of our customers return at least once during the year. We also plan on breaking even, and perhaps making a profit after our first year in business. Our distribution channel runs from producer to wholesaler to distributor to retailer to consumer, this is the most efficient way for our small business. Price stability is the pricing strategy that we have chosen, this ... Free Essays on Business Plan Business Plan Business Plan: Progressive Consulting What follows is a complete business plan for a hypothetical company. Please copy or save to your disk and use as an example in developing your own business plan. If you would like to read a series of articles jump to Web Marketing . For additional business aids click on The Practical Tools of Consulting 1. 0 Executive Summary Progressive Consulting will be formed as a consulting company specializing in marketing of high technology products in international markets. Its founders are former marketers of consulting services, personal computers, and market research, all in international markets. They are founding Progressive Consulting to formalize the consulting services they offer. 1. 2 Mission Progressive Consulting offers high-tech manufacturers a reliable, high quality alternative to inhouse resources for business development, market development, and channel development on an international scale. A true alternative to in house resources offers a very high level of practical experience, know how, contacts, and confidentiality. Clients must know that working with Progrssive Consulting is a more professional, less risky way to develop new areas even than working completely in house with their own people. Progressive Consulting must also be able to maintain financial balance, charging a high value for its services, and delivering an even higher value to its clients. Initial focus will be development in the European and Latin American markets, or for European clients in the United States market. 1. 3 Keys to Success Excellence in fulfilling the promise completely confidential, reliable, trustworthy expertise and information. Developing visibility to generate new business leads. Leveraging from a single pool of expertise into multiple revenue generation opportunities: retainer consu... Free Essays on Business plan Business Plan Business Plan: Progressive Consulting What follows is a complete business plan for a hypothetical company. Please copy or save to your disk and use as an example in developing your own business plan. If you would like to read a series of articles jump to Web Marketing . For additional business aids click on The Practical Tools of Consulting 1. 0 Executive Summary Progressive Consulting will be formed as a consulting company specializing in marketing of high technology products in international markets. Its founders are former marketers of consulting services, personal computers, and market research, all in international markets. They are founding Progressive Consulting to formalize the consulting services they offer. 1. 2 Mission Progressive Consulting offers high-tech manufacturers a reliable, high quality alternative to inhouse resources for business development, market development, and channel development on an international scale. A true alternative to in house resources offers a very high level of practical experience, know how, contacts, and confidentiality. Clients must know that working with Progrssive Consulting is a more professional, less risky way to develop new areas even than working completely in house with their own people. Progressive Consulting must also be able to maintain financial balance, charging a high value for its services, and delivering an even higher value to its clients. Initial focus will be development in the European and Latin American markets, or for European clients in the United States market. 1. 3 Keys to Success Excellence in fulfilling the promise completely confidential, reliable, trustworthy expertise and information. Developing visibility to generate new business leads. Leveraging from a single pool of expertise into multiple revenue generation opportunities: retainer consu... Free Essays on Business Plan Can’t find a greeting card that suits you? Tired of writing out practically hundreds of Christmas cards each year? No one show up for that garage sale on Saturday? Uh-Oh. Sounds like you need our help. Personalize It! strives on providing simplicity and easing the burdens of the lives of our consumer by creating a flawless card, invitation, or flyer at the drop of a hat. We want your invitations to be for a party that everyone wants to go, the â€Å"Happy Birthday† card that creates a tear, and the signs that nobody could possibly miss. Our plans for this small business is to individually design and create personalized greeting cards, invitations, and flyers. We will make a wide variety of cards such as graduation notices, wedding invites, and party invitations, but our specialty will be holiday greeting cards. We can also produce simple, yet eye-catching, flyers for your next garage sale or for your band’s next concert. Our open door policy means that people can come to us with their ideas and leave with a product that will not only be personal, affordable, and dependable, it will be memorable. Personalize It! is an equal opportunity business making its expertise available to help its customers create their own products. Keeping in tune with the needs of the consumer, utilizing the latest technology and trends, all while ensuring that the client receives the individual attention they deserve is the vision and daily mission of Personalize It! Our goals include consistent, accurate achievement of the client’s wishes, competitive pricing for the quality of services provided, and significant profit made on each product produced. Founded in 2003 on a part-time basis, Personalize It! is a small business designed to meet the needs of the ever-changing social world. New York City is the current home with plans to expand to branch offices within four years. Personalize It! is invested in the community it reside... Free Essays on Business Plan Business Plan Template Here's your sample Title Page. It's a great idea to put a color picture of your product right on the front. But leave room for the following information. [Your Company Name] Month, 19xx [month and year issued] Business Plan Copy Number [x] This document is confidential. It is not for re-distribution. [Name of point man in financing] [Title] [Address] [City, State ZIP] [Phone] [e-mail] [company home page URL] This is a business plan. It does not imply an offering of Securities. Table of Contents Here's a sample Table of Contents. Be sure to modify the page numbers when you’ve finished your Business Plan. Executive Summary 1-1 Mission 2-1 Company Overview 3-1 Legal Business Description 3-2 Strategic Alliances 3-3 Product 4-1 Current Product 4-2 Research and Development 4-3 Production and Delivery 4-4 The Market 5-1 Market Definition 5-2 Customer Profile 5-3 Marketing Plan 5-4 Sales Strategy 5-5 Distribution Channels 5-6 Advertising, Promotion, PR 5-7 Competition 6-1 Risk/Opportunity 7-1 Management Team 8-1 Capital Requirements 9-1 Exit/Payback Strategy 9-2 Financial Plan 10-1 Assumptions 10-2 Financial Statements 10-3 Conclusion 10-4 Exhibits 11-1 Executive Summary If the executive summary doesn’t succeed, your business plan will never sell investors. We recommend that you write the summary first and use it as a template for the plan as a whole. Since one of its primary functions is to capture the investor’s attention, the summary should be no longer than two pages. The shorter the better. Want to see what the pros think about raising money? Tune into The MoneyHunt Show (for info on showtimes, etc., go to Mission Our company's missi... Free Essays on Business Plan „h Broad Market and Segmentation o We are going to go into three parts of Austria. The northern Limestone Alps, High Alps, and southern Limestone Alps. o There are about 10 resorts within these mountains and this is whom we will focus on. o Within Austria the mountains take up about 68% of the total land. o There is a high standard of living in Austria and this is why we are bringing a top of the line snowboard into the region. o Snowboarding is a male dominant sport in Austria making up 85% of the sport o The dominant race is Caucasian o Snowboarders in Austria are between the ages of 15 and 29 o Austrians are introduced to new products and product lines through rental shops „X So we will find rentals shops to sell our product to and sell our product in bulk to them each season „h Size and Trends o The ski resorts busiest time of the year is the first month and a half of the ski season o There are 9 million people living in Austria and it is a cold country that receives lots of snow annually and we plan on the snowboard distribution to be very successful. o Snowboarding was introduced in Austria in the early 1990 ¡Ã‚ ¦s so it is extremely new cold weathered sport compared to skiing o Snow sports are the most popular sport in Austria and there is a high demand for the newest sport, snowboarding o Statistically Austria ¡Ã‚ ¦s younger generation (15-24 years old) are more willing to try new products and/or sports „h Buying Criteria of Consumers o About 78% of the Austrian population has buying power, and are able to use the product themselves. o Rental shops are the best way for people to try the new products and we will entice them to buy them by letting them try them through the rental shops „h Receptivity to New Ideas o Skiing is the most popular sport in Austria, although there is an upcoming focus on snowboarding o We feel this is a good place to show off...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Lean VS Six Sigma W3 OM Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Lean VS Six Sigma W3 OM - Essay Example Lean is an approach that focuses on speed. In the light of this, the emphasis of most producers using the lean methodology is to reduce the quantum of time spent between different activities within the production cycle (Deisell, 2011). The notion is that there must be shorter cycle times so that as many cycles as possible can be completed within a given time frame. Because of the emphasis on speed, various forms of waste are focused on time related waste and bottlenecks including waiting, overproduction, rework, motion, over processing, inventory, intellect and unnecessary transporting (Bollen, 2009). Six sigma methodology on the other hand focuses on perfection in the production process by reducing the number of errors that the production records (Deisell, 2011). To achieve the goal of this method, standards are set in the form of data inputs. Variations in the data inputs as part of the production therefore tell the extent to which there has been errors and the magnitude of the errors (Calantone, Cavusgil and Zhao, 2002). Root cause analysis is one of the major strategies that most producers have used to identify errors as part of the six

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Writing style Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writing style - Assignment Example In this light, the paper is an assessment of my academic writing style, weaknesses and strengths and smart developmental objectives guiding my writing. The undoubted fact that everybody can write but not to academic requirements has never escaped my mind in writing. As a result, I have often made various attempts aimed at improving my style of writing not only in the educational context, but also in the external classroom environment (Lombardino, 2012, pp. 48). Apparently, I can say with confidence that my writing style has greatly improved since elementary school. I have met with different audiences that define my situation and purpose of writing. For instance, I have written different poems and stories regarding life issues. Arguably, my style of writing contains different literary elements in line with writing elements. I have a consistent use of grammar and elicit application of various writing considerations. Most importantly, I have a clear regulation of style, tone, voice, and diction of my writings. I have various strengths with regards to writing. Evidently, this not only relates to my sentence formulation initiatives but also referencing requirements, which have become part of writing. Certainly, MLA, APA, Harvard, Chicago and Oxford writing styles are no longer my writing nightmares but a clear source of my strengths. I have sufficient information on writing techniques as well as requirements from a global perspective. With attention to word choice, I have the ability to weed out unnecessary words in my writings by using precise wordings. I have great touch of sentence fluency ensuring that phrases and wordings do not lead to monotony or reflect parallel ideas. From this perspective, a clear set of strengths that play a vital role in shaping my writing styles. Nevertheless, I have various weaknesses that in many instances have attempted to derail my ability to reach perfection. Looser oral words in many instances affect